Published on 11th December 2022

Staff Christmas Fund

As we draw closer to the end of 2022, it was been another exceptionally busy year at the Club. The course has continued to evolve and I am pleased to advise that Membership is closed with a small but growing waiting list now in operation. Whilst this time of year is usually when our staff start to wind down as we head towards Christmas, this year is the opposite with all hands on deck preparing the Club for the Australian Master of the Amateurs, our first ever international four round golf tournament. The field for this amazing event in January has been finalised and will be released by our General Manager in the coming days, to say it is an exceptional field is an understatement.

I would like to introduce Members to the Staff Christmas Fund, quite a common thing done at this time of year by many Private Clubs and the first time we have used it at Southern. This is an opportunity for Members to show our gratitude towards our hard working staff who are not allowed to receive any tips or gratuities during the year. I would encourage all Members to consider giving to our Staff Christmas Fund, so that we can show our gratitude and respect for the hard work they do day in day out. These funds will be distributed to all our staff (except our Senior Managers) prior to Christmas, the number of staff covered is over 30 from all departments (Golf Shop, Course, Hospitality & Administration).

If you would like to contribute, please follow the link below that will take you directly to our Staff Christmas Fund page with several options to contribute available.

Staff Christmas Fund – Click Here

Peter Anderson

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