Published on 29th October 2021

Scoring Clinic + FREE WEDGE


Are You Ready to Lower your Scores?
Did you know that 2 out of every 3 shots occur from within 110 meters of the hole? The key to scoring is learning the secrets from inside this yardage, Join Paul & Peter for a Short Game School focusing on every shot you will use your wedges for. You’ll receive 2 hours of expert short game instruction that will help you in all critical situations – chips, pitches, bunkers, flops and more.
Price: $160
Friday 19th November, 2021 CLICK HERE TO BOOK
Friday 17th December, 2021 CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Time: 9am until 11am
**Limited spots available**
The price above includes the 2 hours of coaching and a complimentary Cleveland Wedge (total value $269) (you can choose any loft and bounce you require)

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